Well, it's just freezing out right now. It's suppose to get to be 5 degrees over night so I found the horse blanket that belonged my first horse. I'm going to see if it fits Fox. If it does I want to put it on him because I want him to have a blanket on that the nights will be cold on. I haven't ridden in a week. First off I've been busy. Second off it's just freezing like arctic right now. So he's just been sitting around muddy. It's that time of year again. If doesn't snow in the winter the horses are usually muddy with their fuzzy winter coats. Last Sunday we went on a trail ride with our friends. It was my mom's first trail ride since her surgery. We had fun. I'm glad we got one more trail ride out of the way before winter hit. I have no new pictures to post but this was taken this summer right after Fox's bath. That was his short summer coat. This is my first winter with him. Well when I got him last year, it was early spring and he hadn't quite shed out his winter coat so I always knew what his coat looks like in the winter. Have a good weekend.
Happy Trails
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