Thursday, November 25, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Freezing Outside
Well, it's just freezing out right now. It's suppose to get to be 5 degrees over night so I found the horse blanket that belonged my first horse. I'm going to see if it fits Fox. If it does I want to put it on him because I want him to have a blanket on that the nights will be cold on. I haven't ridden in a week. First off I've been busy. Second off it's just freezing like arctic right now. So he's just been sitting around muddy. It's that time of year again. If doesn't snow in the winter the horses are usually muddy with their fuzzy winter coats. Last Sunday we went on a trail ride with our friends. It was my mom's first trail ride since her surgery. We had fun. I'm glad we got one more trail ride out of the way before winter hit. I have no new pictures to post but this was taken this summer right after Fox's bath. That was his short summer coat. This is my first winter with him. Well when I got him last year, it was early spring and he hadn't quite shed out his winter coat so I always knew what his coat looks like in the winter. Have a good weekend.
Happy Trails
Saturday, November 13, 2010
How it all began
This is a story of how I got Fox. It all started September 2009. I had Gulliver back then. I purchased him the year before that. I wasn't making any plans to sell him at first. I knew this to begin with that he was locked up in his pelvis from being an ex-roping horse. In September 2009 I showed him at the Spokane Interstate Fair. I did gaming on Gulliver and he was just sore to the bone. I felt bad for him. It was before I had counseling and it was really stressful. We had just gotten back from our trip to Ocean Shores and I think Gulliver was too upset about having to be away from home again. Not only was he sore but he was ancy and upset. I don't blame him after having a long trip at the beach. So after the fair I was starting to grow apart from him. I kept him for another couple of months. The last couple of months I had him I lost interest in him. So I sold him right after Thanksgiving last year. Gulliver went to a home where he'd have a lighter duty job. I decided that I would take our 5-year-old QH gelding, Danny, and get myself a dog. After selling Gulliver, I got a Golden Retriever puppy and named it Savannah. I went for just a few months without a horse. Then I decided that I didn't feel like Danny was mine and that he's my mom's horse. So in Spring 2010 right after winter was over, we found a home for Indy and I started shopping for a horse. I looked at some horses and some were either projects or not properly trained. I started thinking that it's hopeless and that I would never find a good horse. I began to regret selling Gulliver. Then this ad on Craigslist came up just saying AQHA gelding for sale. It said very little. I just thought I'd call on it just to see what the horse was. I talked to the lady and she said that he was owned by her 12-year-old daughter. They paid $3,000 for him in 2008. They bought him from a cowboy down in Valleyford saying that he hadn't been ridden in 5 years. They sent him to the trainer for 30 days for a tune up. Her daughter was more into ice hockey. The mom told her that both sports were time consuming and expensive that she needed to pick one or the other. So the hockey was winning over and they put Fox up for sale. I tried him out and I liked him. So I brought him home and now he's mine. I've had him for almost a year now. Next year I will be doing gaming on Fox.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
What a day yesterday
These pics are new. They were taken yesterday. They're not old ones like the other ones. I took Fox for a little ride yesterday. My mom played with her horse, Indy. I was practicing the barrel pattern and my mom asked if I wanted to pony Indy. So I said sure and I ponied him around the property. I just love his face in some of the pics. It helps Fox be more forward since he's herd bound. Here are some pics to enjoy.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A couple more pics to look back on

Here's some pics of our mustang, Annie, that were taken a couple of years ago at the first Mustang Days. I will never forget that day when it was pooring down rain and we where drenched. We sold Annie at the end of the summer that year and we decided to stick to broke horses. I hope she's doing well. We all miss her. Sometimes we talk about adopting another mustang but as of right now we have too many horses. Maybe someday we will huh?
Looking back

Here's some pictures to look back on. The first one is me on Gulliver last fall. I sold him right after that pic was taken. I miss him but he's in a better place. The next one is me on Fox. It was taken earlier this spring, which is when I got him. Now a days I have Fox and Gulliver is in a happier place where he'll have a lighter duty job. When I was shopping for a horse, I began to regret selling him because I was having trouble finding a good horse. Some of them that I looked at where projects or didn't have proper training. Then Fox came along. It eased my guilt. I still have him and he's just been the best horse ever. I've never had an ounce of trouble with him. He's of course not going anywhere. I can't wait to get into gaming with him next spring. It will be fun.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Updates on Things Going On
Well it's been a long time since I posted here. I was on a little hiatus. Now I'm back. I've had Fox for half a year now. I just love him to death. Next spring will be a year since I got him. I just did my final trail ride of the season. Fox is a great trail horse. I've been busy with cheerleading. Football season is about over and we've got Basketball season coming up. I just joined my high school's Equestrian Team. Next year I'm going to be gaming on Fox. He's just a great horse. I can't believe I've had him for so long. My mom had foot surgery back in August. She got her cast off a couple of weeks ago. She's now walking okay. My Golden Retriever, Savannah, just turned a year old on October 17. She was just a littel fuzz ball when I got her, which was back in January. Halloween was just completed. We've got Thanksgiving coming up and then Christmas. Man where did the year go? This coming January will be a year since I got Savannah and next spring will be a year since I had Fox. I've got some pictures to share. The first pic is my friend riding Fox. The next one is Danny and Fox summer 2010. The last one is him in his stall that was taken recently.
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