Fox is my best horse friend. We went on a trail ride in Riverside on Thursday night. We went with our friend Tersea York. It was awesome. Today is not a good day to ride so I will go shopping today. Have a great weekend.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Nasty Day
It is really windy and rainy out there. Here's a picture of me at the second meet in Moses Lake with the equestrian team.

Fox is my best horse friend. We went on a trail ride in Riverside on Thursday night. We went with our friend Tersea York. It was awesome. Today is not a good day to ride so I will go shopping today. Have a great weekend.
Fox is my best horse friend. We went on a trail ride in Riverside on Thursday night. We went with our friend Tersea York. It was awesome. Today is not a good day to ride so I will go shopping today. Have a great weekend.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Beautiful day yesterday and today
I am now back. I've been busy going to equestrian team meets in Wenatchee and Moses Lake and back. I got my last one in Wenatchee next weekend. I have to take our 23-year-old Arab gelding next weekend because Fox has a little virus. It's nothing too serious. He's getting better. The vet advised us not to do anything stressful with him for at least two weeks because that's about how long it takes for a virus to totally clear out of a horse's system. If did anything stressful with him with a virus then it could turn into something potentially serious such as pneumonia. Even though he's getting better and he seems fine, we are just taking extra precautions. The equestrian team will be having a clinic with a trainer named Charlie Hansen in 3 weeks. I will definitely be riding Fox in it. I will also be riding Fox in the Mule Days Parade with the equestrian team too. We took Mythical and Jessie, our 11-year-old Morgan mare to a clinic with our friend, Shelley Kerr. It turns out that Jessie is too much to handle for my mom. So we are putting her up for sale. We have 8 horses right now. 5 full sized horses and 3 ponies. All together that makes 8. We are serious about cutting our herd in half. We made up our mind and we decided who's going. Jessie, our 11-year-old Morgan, Indy, our 11-year-old Arab, Lily, our 8-year-old pinto Shetland Pony, and Butters, the coming 2-year-old Shetland/Welsh pony cross. Of course Danny, Fox, Myth, and Hala are not going anywhere. Our internet is slow I can't post any pictures of the meets. I will do it as soon as I can.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Two More Weeks
Two more weeks until my 18th birthday!!! Yes!!! I will legally be considered an adult and no longer a minor.
Practices for the Equestrian Team started on Sunday. We got our first meet in Wenatchee on the 25th, which is three days after my birthday. I got a lot coming up. Two of my nieces are coming up from Portland next week. I can't wait. I got prom coming up too. We will be very busy this month. On April 2nd, we're going to get our horses a coggins so we can ride in Idaho. This year is a lot better than last year. We just had a weird year last year. Everything is going to be made up from last year. I just love my Foxy boy. He's just the best horse. I hope you have a good rest of the day. Happy Trails.
Practices for the Equestrian Team started on Sunday. We got our first meet in Wenatchee on the 25th, which is three days after my birthday. I got a lot coming up. Two of my nieces are coming up from Portland next week. I can't wait. I got prom coming up too. We will be very busy this month. On April 2nd, we're going to get our horses a coggins so we can ride in Idaho. This year is a lot better than last year. We just had a weird year last year. Everything is going to be made up from last year. I just love my Foxy boy. He's just the best horse. I hope you have a good rest of the day. Happy Trails.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Very Snowy
It's very snowy out and it's almost March! The good news is that it's going to get back up to the 40s by the middle of next week. I thought I would share a video about my lifestyle. It's just about what I like to do such as riding my horse and cheerleading. This spring will be a year since I got Fox. I just love him so much. He hasn't given me an ounce of trouble since I've had him. If the weather is good, practices for the Reardan High School Equestrian Team start next week. My first meet is just next month in Wenatchee. I've been working hard lately getting Fox tuned up. Since I've been doing that, he's getting back into the routine of what work is like. We're going to see if we can pay Randy Durheim to use his arena for a little bit and work on some stuff. If we can, we'll being doing it next weekend. He lives walking distance from us. I am so itching to get out do something with my horse. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Happy Trails.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
A beautiful sunny day yesterday!
It was a beautiful day yesterday. The sun was shining and birds were chirping spring is in the air. I can feel it. Here's some pictures of me ground driving Fox yesterday. He was a good boy. Since I've been tuning him up lately, he's now getting back into the groove of what it's like to be ridden and worked. Most horses are a little goofy after sitting around all winter. That's why it's a good idea to get them tuned up in the spring. Here's some pictures of me working with him in the sunshine yesterday.
A beautiful close up.

He's huge!

Ground driving the beautiful sunshine

Me and him loving

Last but not least, you can really see how large he is here. I'm 5'7" and Fox is about 15.2 1/2 or 15.3 hands. I know he's just a little under 16 hands. Plus he's got a high head set, which makes him seem really large. I hope you enjoy President's Day weekend.
A beautiful close up.
He's huge!
Ground driving the beautiful sunshine
Me and him loving
Last but not least, you can really see how large he is here. I'm 5'7" and Fox is about 15.2 1/2 or 15.3 hands. I know he's just a little under 16 hands. Plus he's got a high head set, which makes him seem really large. I hope you enjoy President's Day weekend.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
A beautiful sunny day!
Well darn I don't have any pictures. I got to ride Fox today. He was so good. My mom or anybody wasn't here to take pictures. So I galloped the barrel pattern with Fox. He was so good! He was behaving like a gentleman today. Fox just took everything in stride like he usually does. Since I haven't ridden him in awhile, he's been a little ancy lately. All horses usually get a little ancy in the winter and early spring. It's no biggy. I just have to remember that so I can do some ground work with them before we saddle them up. I've been doing that with Fox and it works. Before I put the saddle on him, I just lunged him a little and it worked. Also while I was in the saddle before I started the patterns on him, I galloped him around in a few circles to get warmed up. It's always a good idea to do with horses, especially when they're a little ancy. Well that was my day for today. The only other thing I did was drove my brother and his kids into town today because they needed a ride. Have a great rest of the evening. Good night.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Snow pictures
Well here's some snow pics. No pictures of the horses. It's been super cold. I've just been staying in staying warm. I wish spring was here right now. Well it will come soon enough. I'm counting down the days until spring is here. After groundhog day which is next month, there will only be 6 more weeks until spring! Yes! Here's some pictures of the snow.

Ah here we go this is more like it. I can go ride Fox in all this.

Darn just a mirage. This is reality. But the sun is so beautiful with the sparkling snow. Don't worry. Spring will be here soon enough. I know it.

Ah here we go this is more like it. I can go ride Fox in all this.
Darn just a mirage. This is reality. But the sun is so beautiful with the sparkling snow. Don't worry. Spring will be here soon enough. I know it.
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