Well here's a look back at 2010. We had a bitter sweet year. January 2010 I purchased my Golden Retriever, Savannah. February, I tried out for cheerleading and made the team. I had bad pneumonia and had to go to the hospital. In March, I had my birthday and turned 17. I also had prom the same weekend as well. April 2010, I purchase an AQHA appendix quarter horse gelding. His name was Ima Hotroddin Fox. It was a great blessing for me as I sold Gulliver last December. In May, I had Spokane Junior Livestock Show for Reardan FFA. I showed and sold my pig there. I made some money from it. In June 2010, we took our horses to a free clinic put on by this trainer named Kyya Grant down in Othello, WA. That same month my dad was in an accident and had nerve damage to his arm. July 2010, my sister,Niki and family came up from Portland and did a dog show. In August, my mom had foot reconstruction surgery and had to be in a cast for six weeks. I also had my senior pictures done and they came out great. I got my driver's license also. In September, I started my senior year in high school. The season began for football and I started cheering for games. This October, I continued cheering at more football games. I also joined Reardan's Equestrian Team. Mom had her cast taken off and started walking again. This November, basketball season started and I started preparing for cheering at basketball games. We did our final trail ride of the season on our horses as well and it was my mom's first trail ride since her surgery. With December now in store, we are now preparing for Christmas. My mom got an Icelandic horse and I would like to congratulate her for it. I started cheering at basketball games as well and that's coming along great too. Now my mom is getting strength in her foot and my dad's arm is doing a little better since the accident. I've had Fox for almost a year and he's just a great horse.
Now for 2011, it will be different, because we will be riding a lot more than we did in 2010. We will be getting a coggins for our horses this spring so we can do some rides in Idaho. I will be going to meets for the Equestrian team this spring too.